
Showing posts from August, 2018

Weekly update- 27th-31st August 2018 (highlights)

In English students have been engaged in speed writing. They were given about 15 minutes of time, in which they were supposed to write on a picture which was shown to them. Most of them could not stop as they were so engaged with the whole process.Below is a photograph of the above activity. We have been able to do quite a bit in Mathematics: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division have been practiced and are still being practiced. Some fun activities have also been explored in Maths: In unit of inquiry students have had a session with our guest speaker Mr. Amit Kumar (architect of Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Tazikistan). The session was done via skype and was informative. Students also did their formative assessment on the first line of inquiry and are going to explore bridges next week.

websites -buildings and structures-some more    (cold climate housing)   (houses in cold regions)    (flood prone areas-design of houses-for teacher)  (flood resistant buildings)  (houses in hot deserts)  (this house in the desert generates its own power)  (top 5 earthquake resistant structures around the world)  (earthquake proof building)

1st Assembly of grade5A

This was not only the first assembly of grade-5A students but also the first assembly for the entire juniour school.  Students came up with a few ideas and one of them was essential agreements.  It was a good idea as there are many new students who have joined the juniour school in various grades. The assembly helped them understand the expectations of behaviour in school at specific places: lunch hall, washrooms, corridors and the playground. Below are some photographs of students performing in the assembly:

1st week- glimpses

In the above photograph students are playing introductory games. Students are reflecting on learner profile attributes through a pyramid. In the above photographs students worked on A.K. strands. They matched the sub-strands to the correct strand.

1st day of school

The first day of school is of significance for students and the teachers as both sides are hoping for the best but are uncertain of what awaits them. While teachers look forward to making students feel happy, safe and comfortable, students hope for their teachers to be nice, friendly and approachable. I have tried to make my students feel comfortable and happy on the first day of school and here are some glimpses of the first day of the academic year 2018-19 Above photograph is of students posing during campus orientation. Every year we try to get students oriented to the campus, mainly the academy building and the senior school classes. Students are playing games on multiplication in the above photograph. Students are practicing multiplication tables in the above photographs.